Windows 8.1 phone os download free.Windows Phone category page Microsoft Download Center

Windows 8.1 phone os download free.Windows Phone category page Microsoft Download Center

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Windows 8.1 phone os download free. How to Download and Install Windows 8.1 for Free (Updated)


Fortnite Game of Thrones Books. Comics Music. Filed under: Microsoft Mobile Tech. Windows Phone 8. Linkedin Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. You don't have to be a developer to download it While this method will enable access to the final Windows Phone 8. Next Up In Tech. Sign up for the newsletter Verge Deals Subscribe to get the best Verge-approved tech deals of the week.

Just one more thing! Even though Windows 11 has been announced, upgrading to Windows 10 has several advantages. Windows 10, on the other hand, was compatible with virtually everything Windows 8. Windows 10 will also be supported through , which gives you an extra two full years of support before needing to figure out an alternative solution.

If you are somehow still stuck on Windows 8. If you want to download just the Windows 8. Windows 8. Its primary focus is unification with Windows 10 , its PC counterpart, in software and services; in accordance with this strategy, the Windows Phone name has been phased out in favor of branding the platform as an edition of Windows 10, [52] [53] [54] [55] although it is still a continuation of Windows Phone, and most Windows Phone 8. Windows 10 Mobile emphasized software using the Universal Windows Platform UWP , which allowed apps to be designed for use across multiple Windows based product families with nearly identical code, functionality, and adaptations for available input methods.

With the diminishing interest and application development for the platform, Microsoft discontinued active development of Windows 10 Mobile in , [19] and the platform was declared end of life on January 14, Windows Phone features a user interface based on Microsoft's " Metro " design language , [71] and was inspired by the user interface in the Zune HD. Tiles are links to applications, features, functions and individual items such as contacts, web pages, applications or media items.

Users can add, rearrange, or remove tiles. Several features of Windows Phone are organized into " hubs ", which combine local and online content via Windows Phone's integration with popular social networks such as Facebook , Windows Live , and Twitter. From the hub, users can directly comment and 'like' on social network updates.

Windows Phone uses multi-touch technology. Alternatively, users may choose a light theme in their phone's settings menu. Third-party applications can be automatically themed with these colors. The image is visible through the transparent area of the tiles and features a parallax effect when scrolling which gives an illusion of depth. If the user does not pick a background image the tiles render with the accent color of the theme.

Users input text by using an on-screen virtual keyboard , which has a dedicated key for inserting emoticons , [78] and features spell checking [78] and word prediction. Users may change a word after it has been typed by tapping the word, [80] which will invoke a list of similar words.

Pressing and holding certain keys will reveal similar characters. The keys are somewhat larger and spaced farther apart when in landscape mode. Phones may also be made with a hardware keyboard for text input. Internet Explorer on Windows Phone allows the user to maintain a list of favorite web pages and tiles linking to web pages on the Start screen. The browser supports up to 6 tabs, which can all load in parallel. A "What's New" section shows a user's Facebook news feed and a "Pictures" section show pictures from those social networks, while a "Me" section within the "People" hub shows a user's own social network status and wall and allows them to view social network updates.

Contacts can also be pinned to the Start Screen. The contact's " Live Tile " displays their social network status and profile picture on the homescreen.

Clicking on a contact's tile or accessing their card within the "People" hub will reveal their recent social network activity as well as the rest of their contact information. If a contact has information stored on multiple networks, users can link the two separate contact accounts, allowing the information to be viewed and accessed from a single card. Here, information from each of the contacts is combined into a single page which can be accessed directly from the Hub or pinned to the Start screen.

Windows Phone supports Outlook. Contacts and calendars may be synced from these services as well. Users can also search through their email by searching in the subject, body, senders, and receivers. Emails are shown with threads, and multiple email inboxes can be combined into a single view a feature commonly referred to as "combined inbox" or can viewed separately.

Xbox Music and Xbox Video are built-in multimedia hubs providing entertainment and synchronization capabilities between PC, Windows Phone, and other Microsoft products. Xbox Music also allows the user to stream music with an Xbox Music Pass.

When browsing the music by a particular artist, users are able to view artist biographies and photos. This hub also includes Smart DJ which compiles a playlist of songs stored on the phone similar to the song or artist selected.

The Pictures hub displays the user's Facebook and OneDrive photo albums, as well as photos taken with the phone's built-in camera. Users can also upload photos to social networks, comment on photos uploaded by other people, and tag photos posted to social networks. An official file manager app called Files , which is available for download from the Windows Phone Store, enables users to move and rearrange documents, videos, music and other files within their device's hard drive or to an external SD card.

Users can also add custom ringtones which are less than 1MB in size and less than 40 seconds long. DLNA streaming and stereoscopic 3D are also supported. The " Games hub " provides access to games on a phone along with Xbox Live functionality, including the ability for a user to interact with their avatar , view and edit their profile, see their achievements and view leaderboards, and send messages to friends on Xbox Live.

The hub also features an area for managing invitations and turn notifications in turn-based multiplayer games. Bing is the default search engine on Windows Phone handsets because its functions are deeply integrated in the OS which also include the utilization of its map service for location-based searches and queries.

However, Microsoft has stated that other search engine applications can be used. In the area of location-based searches, Bing Maps which is powered by Nokia's location services provides turn-by-turn navigation service to Windows Phone users, and Local Scout shows interest points such as attractions and restaurants in the nearby area.

Furthermore, Bing Audio allows the user to match a song with its name, and Bing Vision allows the user to scan barcodes, QR codes, and other types of tags. Every Windows Phone has either a dedicated physical Search button or an on-screen Search button, which was previously reserved for a Bing Search app, but has been replaced on Windows Phone 8.

Cortana allows users to do tasks such as set calendar reminders and alarms, and recognizes a user's natural voice, and can be used to answer questions like current weather conditions, sports scores, and biographies.

The app also keeps a "Notebook" to learn a user's behavior over time and tailor reminders for them. Users can edit the "Notebook" to keep information from Cortana or reveal more about themselves. The "Office Hub" can access files from OneDrive and Office , as well as files which are stored locally on the device's hard drive.

Multitasking in Windows Phone is invoked through long pressing the "back" arrow, which is present on all Windows Phones. Windows Phone 7 uses a card-based task switcher, whereas later versions of Windows Phone utilize true background multitasking.

Syncing content between Windows Phone 8 and 8. Software updates are delivered to Windows Phone users via Microsoft Update, as is the case with other Windows operating systems. While Windows Phone 7 users were required to attach their phones to a PC to install updates, [] starting with Windows Phone 8, all updates are done via over-the-air downloads.

All third-party applications can be updated automatically from the Windows Phone Store. Microsoft has also launched an advertising platform for the Windows Phone platform. Microsoft's General Manager for Strategy and Business Development, Kostas Mallios, said that Windows Phone will be an "ad-serving machine", pushing advertising and brand-related content to the user. The platform will feature advertising tiles near applications and toast notifications , which will bring updating advertising notifications.

Mallios said that Windows Phone will be able to "preserve the brand experience by going directly from the web site right to the application", and that Windows Phone "enables advertisers to connect with consumers over time". It's a dynamic relationship that is created and provides for an ongoing dialog with the consumer. Windows Phone supports the following Bluetooth profiles : [].

Microsoft keeps a site where people can submit and vote on features they would like to see added to Windows Phone. The Windows Phone Store was used to digitally distribute music, video content, podcasts , and third-party applications to Windows Phone handsets. The store was accessible using the Zune Software client or the Windows Phone Store hub on devices though videos were not downloadable through the store hub and must be downloaded and synced through the Zune software.

As of March , the Windows Phone Store was available in 54 countries. Xbox Video offered HD movies from Paramount , Universal , Warner Brothers , and other studios and plus television shows from popular television networks.

Microsoft offered the Xbox Music Pass music subscription service, which allowed subscribers to download an unlimited number of songs for as long as their subscription was active and play them on current Microsoft devices.

Later versions of Windows Phone support the running of managed code through a Common Language Runtime similar to that of the Windows operating system itself, as opposed to the.

NET Compact Framework. Registered Windows Phone and Xbox Live developers can submit and manage their third-party applications for the platforms through the App Hub web applications. The App Hub provides development tools and support for third-party application developers.

The submitted applications undergo an approval process for verifications and validations to check if they qualify the applications standardization criteria set by Microsoft.

Microsoft only pays developers from a list of thirty countries. In order to get an application to appear in the Windows Phone Store , the application must be submitted to Microsoft for approval. In August , Huawei said it was dropping support for Windows Phone due to low sales. However, in version 8. For the first months, market specialists were optimistic about its adoption with IDC forecasting that Windows Phone would surpass IPhone by According to Gartner , there were 1.

According to Nielsen, Windows Phone had a 1. As of the third quarter of , Gartner reported that Windows Phone holds a worldwide market share of 3. IDC reported that Windows Phone market share, having peaked in at 3. Microsoft's developer initiative programs and marketing have gained attention from application developers.

Fill in the server settings as per imap. Good luck! Here there are new offline maps available, with street data. HERE is very much a going concern and all of their old products seem to have access to the same data. Either you'll get an error message, as above-right, or you'll get "0 mins delay" even through densest traffic which is just as bad.

So your guidance won't be able to route around jams and closed roads. Oh well. Google Drive can be brought up in Internet Explorer, but don't be fooled - although you can browse around and see thumbnails, and even bring up a document view, I couldn't find a way under IE to actually download a file you can only save the thumbnail as an image!

So Cloud storage isn't really part of what Windows Phone 8. Microsoft News doesn't work anymore it needed an app download from the Store , but Internet Explorer brings up the usual news sources e. There's a full Facebook client in WP8. Office applications work standalone as well as they always did, for example creating an Excel sheet and emailing it off to someone.

Just be aware that because of the lack of Microsoft account support there's no OneDrive access. Still, Word and Excel are always handy to have in full editing form. Load up some albums into the phone's internal 32GB storage and you're away.



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